Hadoop:The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition

Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod

Microsoft SharePoint 2010:Business Connectivity Services

Struts 2 in Action

Mobile Development with C#

HTML5 Geolocation

Spring Roo in Action

FreeBSD Device Drivers

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions

RabbitMQ in Action

MacRuby in Action

XPages Portable Command Guide

An Introduction to IMS, 2nd Edition

Arduino and Kinect Projects

tmux:Productive Mouse-Free Development

The Developer's Code

The Cucumber Book

Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby

Programming Your Home

The Art of SEO, 2nd Edition

Machine Learning for Hackers

High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition

Enabling Programmable Self with HealthVault

Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Creating and Implementing Real-World Projects

SharePoint 2010 Site Owner's Manual

Machine Learning in Action

Hello! Python

C++ Concurrency in Action


PHP 5 权威编程