Drupal 7 Visual QuickStart Guide
The free and open-source package Drupal is one of the most user-friendly and popular web content management systems (CMSes) available. Sites built on it are highly visible and include The Onion and Amnesty International. Its web-based interface allows those with little or no experience to create professional-looking sites quickly while its flexibility gives them access to such features as blogs, polls, and forums.
This Visual QuickStart uses plenty of screen shots and step-by-step instructions to walk a reader through the process of building a site using Drupal. It starts with installation and initial configuration, discusses content and user management in depth, and concludes with ways to improve your new site’s appearance and interactivity.
Chapter 1: Getting Drupal Up and Running
Chapter 2: Establishing Your Drupal Site
Chapter 3: Creating and Managing Content
Chapter 4: Customizing Content
Chapter 5: Making Content Interactive
Chapter 6: Improving Access to Content
Chapter 7: Wrangling Users
Chapter 8: Customizing Drupal’s Look and Feel
Chapter 9: Extending Drupal with Modules
Appendix: Getting (and Giving) Help
Glossary: Drupal Terms and Culture
页数: 264 pages
出版商: Peachpit Press
ISBN-10: 0321619218
ISBN-13: 978-0321619211
文件大小: 7.1 MiB